Category : Electronics & IT
Quantity : 50
SKU : SP#0001191
Minimum Sell Price :
7 Days Warranty (If there is any Manufacturing Defects)
The Hoco W35 Wireless Headphone is a pair of over-ear headphones that offer good sound quality and a comfortable fit. They have a long battery life of up to 40 hours, and they take about 2 hours to fully charge.
The Hoco W35 Wireless Headphones have a foldable design, making them easy to carry around. They also have a built-in microphone so you can use them to make calls or answer voice commands.
The Hoco W35 Wireless Headphones are a great option for those who are looking for a pair of comfortable and stylish over-ear headphones. They offer good sound quality and long battery life.
Overall, the Hoco W35 Wireless Headphones are a good option for those who are looking for a comfortable and stylish pair of over-ear headphones. They offer good sound quality and long battery life. However, their bass response and noise cancellation are not as good as some other headphones on the market.
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